At St. George's we use the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer. We feel that the beauty and theology of this Prayer Book are without equal as it has guided and informed our worship for generations.
The 1928 revision was very extensive - perhaps the most radical U. S. prayer book revision until that of 1979. Some of the many changes from the previous 1892 book included dropping liturgies of rather outdated theology, such as the Visitation of Prisoners; the three baptism rites were combined into one; and several changes were made to the Communion service, including further deemphasis of the Decalogue, and rearrangement of the Lord's Prayer and the Prayer of Humble Access back to the position they had in the Prayer Book of 1549. Other changes can be seen by comparison of this text with that of the 1892 Book. A fuller description of the changes made in this book is given in The New American Prayer Book, by E Clowes Chorley (1929), which was written to introduce people to this Prayer Book. If you would like to download an electronic copy of the 1928 Book of Common Prayer, please click here. |